



Somewhere recently I saw a church billboard and it said something like this...As youth we want to change the world, as adults we want to change the youth. Something hit me today that made that saying ring true.

Readers beware, the complaining will now begin!!!!

As children we had to answer the phone a special way. In fact I remember having to prove that we could answer the phone in the correct way before we were allowed to answer the phone, after it rang twice of course!! No one that called the Brady house had to guess who they were talking to. Hearing the voice on the other end say "Hello Brady's residence (insert name here) speaking" told the caller exactly who had answered. 

Alexia and Trevor are supposed to answer the home phone "Rutledge's (inser name here) speaking", which for the most part I think that they do. However the home phone does not ring as often as the phone in the Brady house rings, so not much practice is done.  

But that is not my point in my rambling, I have noticed that when I answer the phone, the person on the other end of the phone does not identify themselves. They must be assuming that caller id is being used. I have lost track of the number of times I answer to hear the person on the other end, not identify themselves and then demands to know who I am. There doesn't seem to have telephone manners anymore. Kids these days (yes i know how  old I sound) have always had caller id on landlines or cell phone, and are used to people knowing who it is before they answer the phone.  I will admit that I enjoy caller ID. But how do we teach good telephone manners, when kids don't see them as needed??? OK I am done complaining. YOu may return to your normal life!!!!I love you all!!!!

Brady Cousin Camp

So earlier this spring Alexi and Trevor recieved a letter from Grammy and Pop inviting them to spend the week of 4th of July with them in Galesburg for the First Annual Brady Cousin Camp. It was going to be a week with Grammy and Pop with no parents!!! Alexia and Trevor were excited about the idea.  As the planning progress, Mikayla and Grace would be coming from near Kansas City, Alexia and Trevor from Paloma, Evan and Ryan but Utah and Patricia is the local gal from Galesburg.  A couple things changed the plans. Megan would be the parent that was staying and being a part of the camp due to the boys ages and distant traveled and  Partricia had summer school each morning. From my understanding everyone had a great time and I know that my two children can't wait til next year. 

I was able to spend the last day with them at Cousin Camp. It was the day to go canoeing on Lake Storey. I picked a great day to go!!!! Here are some of the pictures that I took. I am happy that I got to spend the day with those that I don't get to see often and I wish that I could have spent more time with everyone. But I got to see Megan's smiling face, got waves out of Evan and got to see Ryan's curious side. Of course seeing Mikayla and Grace is always fun. Mikayla is going to be taller then me soon (sniffle sniffle) and Grace is too sarcastic for words. Mitchell was able to be in Galesburg on a leave from California so it was fun to see him and Olivia. Neal stayed in Paloma on the way to Galesburg so I got to see him too. Patricia was in school while I was there so I missed seeing her, but I think a trip to Galesburg will be happening soon just for her so I will get to see her then!!

I think that this was a great idea, of course I haven't asked Mom or Pop if they are repeating this next year!!!!


Ryan found this seed and he used it like a dog uses a ball. He would throw it and have a cousin retrieve it for him. This is him having to get it for himself.

Megan and Evan

Evan couldn't get into the canoe fast enough but after a trip around the lake he hungout on the shore with Megan.


Happy Evan. Not sure if he was waving hello to me or if this was a get that camera out of my face lady!!!

A canoe full

I think that this was the first group out. Not sure why everyone ended up in the front and Mitchell is able to have that much leg room, maybe he stinks?!!


Mikayla took her turn on the boat but seemed more secure with soil under her feet instead of relying on her cousins to keep the canoe still!

Ryan and Grammy

Ryan rode in the canoe a couple of times, even on my lap once. It was fun listening to him give Mitchell directions on where to paddle the canoe. But he wanted to paddle so he climbed in and grabbed the oar but was nice enough to share the seat with Grammy.

Megan, Ryan and Evan

Megan found the spot that Evan was the happiest (dipping his feet in the water) and Ryan was able to play in water and find all kinds of things on the waters edge.

Trevor and Mikayla

Like normal Trevor grabbed a bucket and started trying to catch fish in Lake Storey. He managed to catch some, They might had been tadpoles!!!

Faces of Terror

I know that Grace was being dramatic but this shot cracked me up!!!

Most of the group

Grace is saying "stroke stroke" like a rowing team. BUt I think that they had fun.

Rainbow Fish

The cake was made for Keagan when he turned 7. He wanted to go fishing and a fish cake to match!! He loved that the scales were marshmallows.

Flower Pots

This was a birthday cake for my wonderful Mother. I tried making flowers for the first time out of gum paste. Not sure if I like them but at least the idea of a dumped flower pot turned out cute!!!

Elvis Cake

Elvis Cake requested by some good friends for their mom. This was fun to make cuz Elvis was my first gum paste person.  I am pretty happy about how he turned out.


Neopolitan Cake

This was a surprise cake for my parnter Tara. Her hubby had asked me to make one for her birthday. Tara caught wind and kept changing her mind about what she wanted so I told her that I was picking the design and she was gonna like it!!! So it  is strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. The vanilla is covered in broken white chocolate and the strawberry cake is covered in whipped icing which was a first for me.

Hearts and Ribbons

One of my partners asked me to  make the wedding cake when he married his girl Ashlie. This is what Ashlie asked for. I tried my best to give them what they wanted, even down to the peanut butter layer. It was fun to make it but the pressure of a wedding cake is not my thing. I will leave wedding cakes to the professionals!!!

Case Tractor Cake

Yes I know that it is now called International but to me the red tractors are Case Tractors. Anyway this cake was for a little curly haired boy names Eli. It was first attempt at painting fondant. I really like it.

Rainbow Cake

So my friend Tiffany saw a rainbow cake made out of cupcakes and she decided to challenge me to make a 3-D rainbow cake that stood on its own. So after some advice from the best dad in the world, this is what I came up with.

Candyland Cake

This cake was requested by a 10 year old that was turning 11. She left it up to me except that it was supposed to be Candyland with the Sunburst pathway.


So here are a few of the cakes that I have made recently. I have been having so much fun with these. There are plenty more that I did not put on here, like Pop's Older than Dirt Cake, or Kara's mermaid cake. I haven't put them on to the computer yet so I guess I will add them later.


Well I did it. I got the kids a dog. A friend of mine had a  liter of 7 that were on their way to the shelter so I snagged one before they went. Her name is Magpie but she answers to Maggie. The name was changed after the first one didn't work out so well. She was slow to respond the first couple of days but after that she warmed up just fine!! Maybe a little too much. She has a thing for the kids stuffed animals. She really likes "Nat Dog" which is the dog that Trevor gave Natalie one year for  Christmas. Natalie has one and Trevor has one that way they can do thier hugs to the dogs since she was going to be so far away. Anyway Maggie likes to steal it. She seems to know that she can't chew it up like the others but I find Nat Dog in all kinds of weird places!! 

She is doing pretty good on the house training. Only a few messes to clean. She sleeps in my room at night except when I am at work and then she is in the garage. So far neither kid has been brave enough to let her sleep in their room. They are afraid that they won't hear her at night and then will have a mess to clean up! Of course I haven't told them that she has been sleeping through the night.  
Ok I know that it has been awhile since I have added anything to this webpage. So a quick overview of the fall so far. School in full swing, leaves finally changing colors, playing in the leaves, fall parties at school, halloween costumes to make, halloween to celebrate, one birthday day down, two parties done, one more birthday to go, thanksgiving around the corner, x-mas not long after that, then new years and then we start looking forward to summer!!! whew that was exhausting to write. I found myself holding my breath trying to get it all in there....yes I  know that I am a dork!!!   I will make sure to include some pictures of halloween and birthday cakes, but today I feel like babbling. So strap in and get ready for a ride.

What is the point of talking about someone? Is it to prove that you are "in the know", is it to prove that you are better off then someone else? Or is it jealousy of others and what they have? Is it because your own life is so boring that you need to create drama for others? How about reading a good book, going for a bike ride, learning something new. Or how about just minding your own business. Things happen to people both good and bad and I believe that it is their business to tell who they want to when they want to do it!! If you like the world knowing your business and tell everyone then you better be prepared for the outcome of running your mouth!!! Ok I am done!! Whew I feel better. THanks for all that listened!!!

On to pictures!!!!

A Veterns Day Cake


Home from Boot Camp, a Marine!!

Mitchell Jack is a Marine. I was not able to go to San Diego for his graduation but made it to Galesburg to see him on his first weekend back.  I am very proud of him for finishing boot camp when there were many times that he wanted out. He stuck with it and should be proud of himself, and yes as Megan said in her blog, he looks great in uniform!!! Since I do better with pictures to express myself here as some of my "thoughts" about the afternoon. And if anyone has questions about why Pop is hiding behind Mitch, then ask him. It is a funny story!!!


New Faces are Fun!!!

Ok so there were a couple of new faces at Mitchell's dinner. Olivia (Steve) was there with Mitchell, but she is not a new face to most of us. But we did get to meet Rhonda and Patricia. Rhonda and Patricia are new to Galesburg, having moved from KY. Patricia is 6 and will be starting school soon in Galesburg. Rhonda has a great sense of humor and (my favorite) picks on Wade!!!! It was fun meeting both of them!!


First Day of School

Yeah the first day of school is here again!!! Alexia is starting 5th grade this year, and will be at the Junior High AND gets her own locker!! She is very excited about this and has been practicing open locks, which luckily her brother has plenty to practice on!!

Trevor is at the Middle School starting 3rd grade. He is excited about changing buses and being with the bigger kids for a longer time. He says that he is done with the little kids!!

I am excited about them going back to school, of course both kids laughed at me when I had homework to do on the first day of school. Geez, can I ever get away from it???

Summer 2009 where did you go????

It seems like just yesterday was the last day of school and here it is the first day of school again. Where did the summer go. I know for the kids it was a crazy summer of weekly trips to Peoria to spend time with Chris, a trip to Foley AL, Six Flags, bike rides, swimming, Fun City, 4H fair, cookout, bonfires, GeoCaching and Nauvoo. For me, I worked!!! No I am kidding. Actually I got very lucky this summer that since the kids were spending every other week with Chris, I could arrange work days so when I had the kids I didn't have to work. Then worked like crazy when they were in Peoria!  So the summer flew fast and furious.

I know that I havn't put much time into this page this summer so I am behind on pictures and such so I will play catch up, if this lovely computer will let me.


Hold Loved Ones Close

In my job I see things that most people do not see unless they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.  For whatever reason I am able to ignore the human elemant until after my part of the job is done.

Recently there was an accident that happened and not everyone involved walked away. At this point in time two of the four involved have not survived. Two are still alive, one is in jail and the other is still in serious condition in the hospital. I won't go into any more details becasue of HIPPA and because I am privy to information that is not been made public yet.

What I feel like babbling about today is holding loved ones close. Bad things happen all the time. But we as parents and children and grandchildren can do our best to make good choices and do WHATEVER  we can do to NOT be in places that  might be wrong! Yes, as parents we teach out children and hope that they take what we have taught them  and it keeps them safe.

Accidents happen and even if one is more to blame then others, it still sucks for all involved. Both the dead and the living.

So hug your loved ones everyday and make sure that they feel your love. If they are too far away to hug make sure that they know that you love and care for them. Even though miles may seperate you make sure that you are as close as possible. Do not miss an opportunity to hug those that you love....and this is coming from someone that is not a hugger!!!!

So to all of you out there that I love, (and you know who you are), please remember that I think about you everyday. But weird things will cause a thought, for example, Jo I was reminded about your sun flowers seeds EVERYWHERE, when my partner was eating seeds and kept missing the trash can. Or Neal's big ole head in the middle of the front two seats. Of course I found myself yelling at Trevor for being Nosey like his Uncle! Mitchell, you jumped into my head today when I saw two young Marines in full uniforms. Still can't believe that you are old enough to do that, but still so proud of you. Natalie, the kids are so excited to see you that they ask about you every day. You are such a "special" girl...he-he-he. Sorry had to do it!!! Course one of these days you will get pregnant and I will be waiting for your belly button to pop so I can make fun of you!!!!  Megan, you are an amazing mother. I look at pictures of your boys all the time. I look forward to reading your blog. You have such an interesting way of looking at life. I know that you are the right one to raise those  boys!! You have the temperment and sense of humor and love of life that Evan and Ryan need!! Wade, oh my older brother Wade! Are we finally old enough to get along. I think so. You hung around almost that entire day at Julie's house with her kids and Brian, and I didn't want to kill you! You played with fondant and even volunteerd to go "all big brother" on a co-worker that was giving me a hard time that day! And you made me cool in the eyes of one of my partners with the information you gave me on...what in the world is it called again?? So it didn't stick for long, but long enough to impress Jason!!! Mom, I see what you are doing with your dad. How much time and energy it takes to deal with Grandpa, Grandma, Ruthie and the Doctors. Trying to mantain a level head and not lose  it on the wrong person. Of course I think that anyone at GHAS is ok to lose it on!!! They deserve it, but my opinion of that mess is for another entry. Pop, even as I sit here and write your name I shake my head and smile. We all stand tall and proud becasue of you and Mom. You two taught us to think for ourselves and to make sure that we are our own person. While we took on the world,  Pop you were always there to give us a hug and to make us laugh. Remind me to not take life too seriously. What fun is living if you are not smiling and having fun!! Of course as I write this I have to take a break to yell at your grandchildren because they are supposed to be sleeping but instead they are laughing and talking and in a second I am gonna sound just like you Pop all those times that you yelled at us girls to shut up and go to sleep!! I know I left out Mike, Oliver, Denean, Mikayla, Grace, Evan, Ryan, Alexia and Trevor, but I hope that you are not upset. I promise that one day I will include you in my babbling, and I know that you are all so excited about that!! Aren't you!!! It's okay to admit it!! 

We might be spread from coast to midwest and almost other coast in a few short months but we are a family. A weird, strange family. But I love you all. Please remember that and stay safe. So give everyone a hug and then another one just from me!!!  And since I am now sitting here bawling with no kleenex in reach, I will stop this crazy entry.  Laundry can wait til another day, I think that I have two kids that need another story read to them, this one is for me!!!

Alexia's Science Fair Project

I know I know I am out of order here, but when I was typing away about the birthday cake fiasco, I realized that I had not included pictures of her Science Project.

Alexia had an Academic Fair. She could pick any project as long as it had to do with a school subject. She wanted to Learn CPR. We could not find anything that gave an age limit, so she asked my friend Kimo, who is a CPR instructor to teach her and Trevor CPR. She wanted Grammy but Grammy was playing with Butterflies in Mexico. Alexia's main question for her project was, Does it take knowledge or Strength to pass the CPR test. Well she learned that it takes both. She past the written test, but just wasn't strong enough to get the chest compressions deep enough to count. But she knows how it is supposed to be done and will have no problems bossing someone around that is strong enough to do the compressions, so watch out!! Although her favorite part was the AED, I heard zapping sounds all week from those two. But she was disappointed that there were no paddles to use only silly sticky pads!!!! She learned alot and had fun. I am very proud of her for trying something that she wasn't sure would work.

Discovery Depot

Okay still out of order...but deal with it or stop reading!!!

Sunday night mom had an event at Discovery Depot and invited the kids and I to go with her, Pop and Mitchell. So Chris brought the kids there instead of our normal meeting place and we had a good time.

It has been awhile since I have been there and there has been a few changes,but still fun was to be had...yes even by Pop, but you will have to ask him how hot his face is!!

Mitchell brought his girlfriend Olivia, so I got to meet her and her little brother and sister.  She's a cutie that dealt with the confusion well!!

More Craziness

I am an idiot!! I really could end this entry right now and that sentence would say it all, but for those of you that want to play nice and say "Oh Casey you are not" then this one is for you!!  See it was Mom's Birthday this week. And since the kids and I were going to this thing at Discovery Depot with her and Pop on Sunday, the kids wanted to take a cake for her. Well I really did not have an idea for her cake until Alexia's Science Fair on Thursday. There was a Book Fair going on and this book "jumped" off the shelf and into my hands. So I just had to buy it. I mean, it was willing to commit bookicide after all. Well it was a book all about cupcakes. I have seen this book before but there was never anything in it that caught my eye before. I mean it has cute stuff and all but.... WELL I guess that I had missed page 77 before. So I see page 77 and the Monarch Butterfly Cupcakes and I knew why I was the one to save that books life!!!  So I bought the book and brought it home! I got all the stuff for the butterflies, and we went to town. It was a pain in the butt let me tell you!!! Those are pesky little critters. But after I got the hang of it, they turned out ok. So the cake was made and I took all the stuff to work to assemble the cake. It looked awesome.  Sunday morning rols around and I load up the cake and the cupcakes (I had extra stuff so I made Cupcakes to take to the Linger Longer at Church) in the car. I put all the boxes in the back of the car, away from the heater and headed to Galesburg. Well about Roseville I happened to glance in the rearview mirror and it dawned on me that the entire way I had the sun glaring into the back window (yes I mean glaring because it went from happy sunbeams to evil rays of death) and it was melting all those butterflies!!!! I couldn't believe it. So I moved the box into the back seat and when I was moving it the lid flew off the box sending a cold shot of air over the entire cake. Well it stopped the melting process and froze the butterflies in their various stages of melting. So some are broken, some are melted flat and some are wrinkled!! It was a good thing that Mom has a great sense of humor and still said that she thought that is was beautiful, which of course meant "you tried so I will say it is beautiful even though I have no idea what it is!!" Yup I am a Mom so I know the difference!!! What a weekend!!

What is with my kids and mud??

The kids got off the bus today and came running into the house yelling. They both stood in front of me and started talking over the top of each other. See it rained all day and they found "River Rutledge" or "Brady Bank" (they couldn't decide what to call it) in the backyard and wanted to play in it. It was kinda warm out and they were so excited that I told them that they could.

A few minutes later I realzed that it had stopped raining so I grabbed the camera and headed outside to watch. There is a ton of mud because of the sewer being put into the neighborhood. So they had a ball!!!

 It isn't even summer yet and already the mud pictures begin!!!!

My Happy Mom Moment!!

It is a weird feeling when you see your kids enjoying something that you enjoyed as a kid. Alexia is old enough for 4-H...well Trevor is too but because of his birthday being late in the year he has to wait til next year to offically join.

Alexia picked out her projects and has been doing alot of reading about photography, cooking and cats. I decided that when it came to the photography, she needed to learn from the begining and then move on to ditgal. Well she was upset and called  me a mean mom and all that fun stuff but I told her tuff!!!!

So the other day I load my Pentax up with a roll of film and we went for a walk. I showed her how to use it and let her go. Figuring that when they got developed she could see better what her bad habits are and what she needs to work on. She used up her roll pretty quickly and made a comment about a digital camera could take more...and I threatened her with a mud puddle. It was a happy mom moment!!!

Alexia looking like an pro!!!

I "chews" you to be my Valentine

I remember loving Valentine's Day when I was a kid. Being able to make something and give it to everyone in my class. Year after year I cut out the hearts, taped on a stick of gum and wrote, I "chews" you to be my Valentine!! Then folded the heart in the middle and took them to school. This was before store bought cards had candy in them and before miniture candy bars. Well maybe not but I don't remember them. So to give out gum was a pretty cool thing!

Watching Alexia and Trevor looking for ideas this year made me think about the meaning behind Valentines Day. Yes it is the day of love. But when did it become the day that people have to spend money to prove their love? Remembering how much fun I had making my own when I was a kid, I have always let the kids make their own to share with their friends. Over the years we have made fortune cookies, paper airplanes, pencil toppers, heart crayons, and so many more that I can't even remember. Of course the one thing that remains from my childhood, well other then the silly puns, is that the kids make them every year and they put a little bit of themselves into each valentine for their friends. There we were, sitting on the floor surrounded by colored papers, tape, foil, and a HUGE mess but finally done making 41 mini iLoves (they look like iPods). Each child had a stack of iLove Valentines (made out of conversations hearts and peanut butter cups) in front of them and it was time to write names on them and put them into the bag to be handed out the next day. Watching the methods were amazing. Alexia sorted through her stack and picked out a color that was thought out and picked with each classmate in mind. I heard things like "Jason gets a pink one, he likes pink even though he is a boy" or "Angel gets a blue one cuz blue is her favorite color." Meanwhile Trevor had his stack and he would grab one and write a name on it but would double check to make sure that all the pieces of the iPod was there. He told me that his friends would be upset if the ear pieces fell off. Or if the paper covering the candy hearts fell off making it look funny. Each kid had their own way of looking at thier Valentines but they each put thought, love and care into each little gift for their friends!!  I am so proud of them and thankful for Mom and Pop for showing me that a bigger price tag does not make a better gift!! Love to all my friends and family and I hope that all had a great Valentines Day!! As it was said so many years ago... "I chews you all to be my Valentine!!"

The House after the Ice Storm!!

The Quincy area was hit by an ice storm. Schools were called off early and canceled for a day but the roads were cleared pretty quick so it was not a big deal. At least not for us since we live on the highway and  the snow was not too deep. The kids got a kick out of skating on the ice and it wasn't too cold at first so they got to play outside. When the storm frist hit I noticed that the icicle  lights that I put on the house were covered in real icicles. Making for a really cool effect.  So I got out the camera covered it and took pictures in the rain. And of the tree from inside and outside. I don't know if you can see it in these pictures but we had fun with lights this year. WE decided to try and hang lights on the roof of the porch. The kids wanted to help me so we ventrued out my bedroom window and tried doing it. WEll it was slippery and I decided that I needed to stop for the day when Alexia told me not to fall off the roof becasue if I did then she would have to call my friends and they would be mad that I made them work. Which made me laugh becasue that is what I tell them when they are doing something dumb. She even had it planned out what she was going to say to the 911 operator. That her retarded mother fell off the roof and broke her neck while trying to hang Christmas Lights and oh yeah by the way we live in Paloma next to the bank!!!! What love!!! Anyway after putting it off for a day and trying again when it wasn't as icy on the roof. Got them up turned them on to find that ONE strand twinkles!!! I refused to redo any of it!!! The world can laugh I don't care. I find humor in it and that is what is important!!!!!

An Attempt at a Christmas Picture

I prefer to take a picture that I can use for Christmas cards.. well this year I hit a little snag. Couldn't come up with an original idea, and since there was no snow on the ground and everything look so drab I was getting inspired. Then I can up with one. The plan was when we went to get the Christmas Tree I would take the camera and see what happened. Maybe I would get a good one. So it snowed so we headed to get a tree at the tree farm down the road. We pull up and the man that runs it says that he we could get one but since it was so cold the needles would all fall off the minute it warmed up and it would better if we could come back after it warmed up just a bit. So a few days later we tried again. It was the day that the ice strom was gonna hit. We headed out right after school. We pull  up and the guy says... the car is too little we wold never make it out of there alive. So I said fine and we headed into town to see what we could find. I was pretty upset because I really like the smell of a real tree in the house and didn't want to spend the money on a fake one. So we go to Lowe's.. they had one kind of pop-up-lights-already-on-it-fake tree. I said no way and we headed to Walmart. They had more but I was still pretty pissy about the whole deal when I noticed a girl leaving with a stand. I asked her where she was getting a real tree and she looked at me like a was crazy. Turns out they still had real ones but the behind a closed door becasue the cold air was killing all the Poinsettias. So we picked out a real tree and tied it to the car and headed home. The ice storm hit while we were driving home. We lost a few needles after getting it into the house. I didn't get a picture of it while we were picking it out and it looks a little Charlie Brownish but the lights look pretty and WE LOVE IT!!!So that is the Christmas story of the year. Course Bill thinks that  the decorations are his personal play things but he is getting better.. (as I am typing this a bell hits the floor and he is chasing it through the room!!) 

So there won't be any cute Christmas Card coming from this house... well I take that back we picked out a good one at the store and it might be late but it is the thought that counts right!!


So Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year!!!

Thanksgiving 2008

I think... no I know that Thanskgiving is my favorite holiday... well one of my favorites. I think that all holidays are fun for their own reasons. But I like Thanksgiving becasue it is all about getting family and friends together. Laughing, playing games and enjoying each other..... and oh yeah don't forget eating!!! There is also the sharing with each other, and this year it meant that we all shared the stomach flu!!! Thank you to who ever started that. Luckily it wasn't too bad and passed quickly.

For the first time in 4 years all 7 Brady kids were in the same place at the same time. Megan, Oliver, Ryan and Evan made the long drive from Utah. Natalie did it fasted by flying from Utah. Neal and Denean drove up from Columbia MO. Jo, Mikayla and Grace drove in from the Kansas City area, Wade and Mitch are in Galesburg so they didn't have to go far.And the kids and I drove up from Paloma.

I think that everyone enjoyed themselves. And to make this year even more fun.. all there original Dyer siblings and family were together to help celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Dyer's 60th wedding anniversary. Not everyone made it but All grandkids except Matthew made it and Tina added her Matt to cover the missing one. 

Course not being in Kewanee made it different but it was fun and I look forward the next time we can all get together again!!! Who knows maybe a trip to Canada??? Hmmm Natalie... think you can help us out there???

Alexia turns 10... well in a few days but close enough!!!

I know that she isn't 10 yet but she got her party early so for this blog thing... Alexia is 10!!! Yay!!!! She has a couple of friends spend the night and had a good group show up for the make your pizza part of the night. Pinata and Twister were played and all the kids had a good time!!! Hard to believe that the Budda Baby is 10. Seems like yesterday that she was telling me that she wants Tacos and playing with that Plug in her mouth flipping it around ilke it was a top!!!!!Oh well we are now into double digits and only getting better right???!!!!

Trevor turns 8!!!!

Well Trevor is 8!! I know that it actually happened a couple of weeks ago but I figured that better late then never!!! The kids wanted to do a slumber party so we did. THey got to invite who ever they wanted to dinner and then of those kids a few got invited to stay the night.  The boys got the downstairs and decided that staying awake til 5 am was ok. Then they went to sleep and were up at 8am!!! They did pretty good til about noon then the crabbiness came out!!!! He had a ball though so that is what matters right!!! Wonder how the year of 8 will be???? Of course if I survived the nights of him screaming and getting into everything.. well wait he still is getting into everything so I guess I just carry on like normal!!!!

Halloween 2008

Trevor as a Scarecrow

There are some weird things in this world that I don't understand and don't even pretend to..but this one is beyond me. Central School District does not celebrate Halloween. But they have "Fall Parties" where halloween candy is eaten and halloween games are played. The kids are not allowed to dress up and this year the parties were the week before Halloween. So as any good kid that loves Halloween (yeah ok me) the kids have had their ideas for their costumes decided for quite some time. And I have been getting stuff for them as I have come across them. Then to my surprise, two weeks ago in Trevor's newsletter it was mentioned that since they have been studying scarecrowsin class,  they are all to dress up like a scarecrow on the day of the fall party. And to top it off Alexia gets to dress up in a couple of weeks for a Living Time Line. Had I know any of this then,  my kids would have been a scarecrow and Clara Barton for Halloween instead of a Sheriff and Deputy. They think that it is hilarious that they get two costumes in the matter of one month.... I just shake my head and tell them that they have no idea how lucky they are to have pulled it off!!! I am thinking that they had this planned!!!!!!

They didn't have school on Halloween so we headed north to Galesburg in the morning and got to goof off all day!! My favorite kinda day. It was so beautiful and the leaves are FINALLY starting to change that we spend some time at Lake Stoery. Walked the paths for awhile. They played in the prairie grass and on the paddleboats that are the same ones that were there when I worked there forever ago.. a bit past their prime I would say. And as we wee leaving they climbed on this fence as we trying to have the balance to stand up straight. Trev gave up and this was as much as Alexia could do. Then we de-bugged (those silly beetles that stink) and headed to Grammy's office to get dressed for trick or treating. That is were the picture at the top was taken!!! MY favorite!!!!

The Sheriff and Deputy

There was a party at the YMCA that we went to on the 30th. It was pretty interesting. Games and such in the gym and a costume contest. They were divided by ages but Alexia won 3rd in her group. Trevor took it all in stride and said that it was okay since he will wear the t-shirt that she won anyway!!! What at great attitude. I realized that this is the first year that Alexia made her costume match Trevors. In the past he picked something that would match whatever princess costume that she decided on, She picked Rapunzel, he picked a Knight... that kinda thing. Well he has been asking to be a policeman for a couple of years now and this year he insisted on it. I talked him into a Sheriff (more fun for me to make) and she went along with it and wanted to be the Deputy as long as she could be in a skirt. I was excited when she went with the red...  yay no pink!!!! All around the black, red and white cowboy boots that we found. Of course after I had the stuff bought she found a pair of hot pink boots that made me groan!!!! She laughed and told me that it was okay she liked the red!! Plus she got to wear bright red lipstick... where did I get such a girly girl???

Here is the Sheriff in color. He picked out the Snakeskin material for his vest all by himself. It feels really cool and he loved it. We walked in the door at Joanns, he saw it and wouldn't go any further!!! I asked him what he would have done it it was pink snakeskin and he said "Mooom (imagine the tone) snakes are not pink!!!" But it matched and he was thrilled. Finding a pair of "cowboots" were a bit more difficult. I thought being in the land of red neck hillbillys it wouldn't be that hard... boy was I wrong. My son has the widest foot possbile for a 7 almost 8 year old. He had to jump three sizes to be able to fit those feet into the boots. So no cheap easy boots from Walmart... nope had to go to a real boot store... you know the type... giant boot on the sign out front that smells of leather the minute you walk in the door. So while his mother was standing there getting high off the smell,Trevor found his boots and was ready to go!!!!!

New Fall Pictures

I can smell fall in the air. My faovrite time of year. Not too hot and not too cold.. yet but just right. Well the kids and I started doing something quite a few years ago. Taking a picture in black and white for each of them. I think that the first time I did this was in Nauvoo and they were wearing blue jean bibs and we played all afternoon in The Grove. I was still using my Cannon film camera hoping that at least something would turn out ok. When they started doing the school picture thing I realized that with school pictures you get a 50/50 shot of haivng a good picture. And for those of you that know my two rats it is more like a 70/30 or even 80/20 percent chance of getting a decent one. So we have kept up this fun little tradition. Some years are better then others, and some years the pictures end up in color because they just look better. 

So I decided that it ws time for this years picture day. They didn't have school on Monday, (yay Columbus!!) so we thought that we give it a go even though the leaves haven't done awhole lot of changing yet. I had found this cool creek with a bridge down by the river that we headed to. The bridge is not so pretty but the rocks and creek were awesome enough. Everyone was back in jeans and white t-shirts and of course it didn't take long for Trevor to get wet, and muddy. Alexia was a bit more timid but soon  was knee deep in the creek too. I think that the hardest part was keeping them some what presentable. 

Alexia is finally getting over the "fake smile" stage but Trevor is still awesome at it, so he was getting fed up with me and the amount of shots that he has to go through. But he had fun throwing rocks and sand and sticks and whatever else he happened to find.

Then we tried something new and found a good spot where the camera was safe and we used the remote and got a decent shot of the three of us. We each took turns operating the remote and that kept them happy so that we could all work together and get a good one.

It was a lot of fun that ended with wet muddy clothes, a lot of smiles and the pleadings of the youngest to please please let him take all these rocks home!!!!!

A New Experience!!!!!

I had a very interesting experience this past week. From time to time I have been asked to do things for others; take pictures, sew on patches, make costumes....etc.etc. I have always gotten excited about doing these projects because it is different and gives me a little change of pace. Plus I enjoy the creativity of it. Well I was approached this week to make a cake for a co-workers son. This cake was to be a bit different... it was to be in the shape of breasts. I thought that they were joking at first, but when I realized that they were serious, I took on the challenge. I have made these kind of cakes before but I have used a premade cake pan, which I no longer have. So I freehanded it and I think it turned out great. But here is the exciting part. I tried fondant icing for the first time ever. For those poor souls that are lots, fondant icing is the nasty tasing icing that makes a very smooth surface on a cake. Most wedding cakes are covered in fondant. Well what is the point of using icing that is gross (what are you supposed to eat while being creative) so I have never tried working with it. Well I found a recipe for fondant that is made with marshmellows. And was supposed to taste pretty good. So I gave it a whirl. This stuff is awesome. Not too gross... much sweeter then I expected, and you get to play with it like playdough. It was so much fun!!!! The cake turned out awesome, no chocolate crumbs coming through and the boobs looked like real boobs!!!! I can honestly say that from now on I will be using this stuff to cover all the cakes that I make!!!! You roll it and knead it like dough, so my arms got a workout!! The kids are making a  cake tomorrow so they can play too. I already have some great ideas for their birthday cakes!!!

Trevor waitng his turn

Trevor wanted to play flag football again this year and this was the first game. They played the green team and their coach is great. Trevor played Center again and is much faster getting to the kid that has the ball. Even pulling the flags on a couple of different plays. Of course he wants to help everyone else so the game got held up a couple of times as he assisted other kids with their problems!! He was very proud of himself, and so am I.

Alexia getting instructions

Alexia decided that after watching Trevor play football last year, that she wanted to give it a try this year. They are both on the same team (making it easier on me) and work well together. She plays multiple positions but gets fed up with not being able to throw it very far. She got to run it a couple of times and moves well. She was pretty quiet this game except when they scored and she was the only one on the field that did a cartwheel in celebration!!! The crowd loved it as well as her dancing to the music that was played during the game!!! Very entertaining to watch.


Nauvoo - Aug 2008

This summer Natalie didnt make it back to Illinois except for a week in August so a trip to Nauvoo was planned around Vocal Point performing there. Natalie rode the train to Quincy and hung out with me for a couple of days and then we headed to Nauvoo. We had fun driving around seeing the sights and taking pictures. This shot was at the river toward the end of the day. I am not sure what Alexia was doing or saying but I love the look on her face. There were also pictures taken at the Stone Bridge and Mitchell let me take pictures of him for his Senior Pictures. My artistic side loves the one by the river, but I like the other ones too where his face is showing!!!